Welcome to Meraki Artistry,

I’m Char! Seasoned Registered Nurse, Educator, Cosmetic and Paramedical Tattoo Artist.

My mission is to elevate your natural beauty through hyper realistic cosmetic tattoos. With my extensive education and experience I am able to offer top of the line services as well as trainings to other artists in Indiana with confidence that we will achieve not only your beauty goals but transform your knowledge of the beauty industry.

Your Beauty Collective in Greenwood

Located off 65 & Main Street

Meraki Artistry Indy

Let Me Tell You More!

Meraki Artistry

New Clients

Meraki Artistry

Training Academy

Meraki Artistry

Suite Rentals

Why Choose Meraki?

Meraki is founded by a Registered Nurse with nearly two decades of experience in the medical field and five years in the beauty industry. Char continues to stay up to date with the latest techniques and trends. She not only educates other artists on the safest methods to produce the highest quality of work but she also works with other experienced trainers to advance her own methods as the industry is forever changing.

Our client’s will vouge for our work with all five star reviews on Google!

Visit Us

Located inside Concord Park Strip

494 S Emerson Ave Suite A1

Greenwood, IN 46143


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